les Alpilles -the Quarry at Noon

PAINTING post-impressioniste rocks sun Paysages Peinture a l'huile  - les Alpilles -the Quarry at Noon

Image copyright © Chris Walker

Chris Walker

 St Paul lez Durance

Rubrique :
Theme :
Painting : Paysages
Type :
Small sized painting

Size : H 25, W 75, D 1.7 cm

Main color : Jaune

Technical : Peinture a l'huile

Weight : 0,70 kg

Support : Toile


657-les Alpilles -la Carrière à Midi
The Marquis de Sade's limestone quarry at les Baux near Saint Rémy
Oil on Stretched Canvas

Chris Walker

I am a English painter, living and painting in Provence. I paint in oils generally, brightly coloured, in a medium size format. Subjects vary from abstract, through whimsical and enigmatic to classic landscape. My aim is to give pleasure and fun.