"Y.O.L.O." (You Only Live Once) by ELaH

PAINTING Abstrait  - "Y.O.L.O." (You Only Live Once) by ELaH

Image copyright © ELaH Contemporary ArT

ELaH Contemporary ArT


Rubrique :
Theme :
Painting : Abstrait
Type :
Big sized painting

Size : H 100, W 100, D 2.5 cm

Support : Toile

Not for sale.


"Y.O.L.O." Or "You Only Live Once" is a contemporary version of the Latin phrase "Carpe Diem (Quam Minimum Credula Postero)" attributed to the Roman poet Horace (65-8 BC.) And literally means "Seize the present day without worrying thyself of tomorrow."
Directly inspired by epicurean, "YOLO " suddenly returns us to our mortal condition; a destiny for which one there is no escape.
Despite our general tendency to ignore this fatality as long as possible, one day or the other, it catches up and forces us to look at the truth: life is short, and advance whatever w do, and if time is running out, what to do with our lives ? What is the main purpose of our existence on earth ? "Y.O.L.O. "Appears to me as an abstract instrument and from mind to redirect our fears and doubts unanswered to peace of soul and pleasure of the present moment in order to have no regret about the elapsed time and take pleasure in thinking about one that will pass soon ...
In today's world, the rule is to go faster than time itself while complaining constantly that we don't have enough time !
We must stop living in perpetual projection and enjoy the moment. With the obligations it is required, sparsely people find the "right time" for personal achievements and ambitions and distant dreams. But the "right time" Does it really exist ? Do not we still have a few reasons to justify delaying "ad finitum" of our projects ?
Apply "Y.O.L.O." Every day is to try to deliver us from the tendency to refer to a more uncertain next day ! It is difficult to actually comply, while it is much easier to just say it. The theoretical simplicity of "Carpe Diem / YOLO " Was matched by its practical complexity !
However, if happiness (defined as the accumulation of certain pleasures) is the ultimate goal of life, the search must be done in moderation. The pleasure must indeed be sought daily ("the small pleasures of life"), but it is imperative to enjoy in moderation, that is to say, avoid excess so it does not become an addiction unlimited consumption leading to harmful for the body and mind.

More pictures on : http://www.elah-contemporaryart.com

ELaH Contemporary ArT

Les lignes et courbes, très présentes dans ses créations, représentent les réseaux de désirs complexes; la construction du « moi ». Son thème principal est la conscience et les illusions : nous ne sommes pas réellement ce que nous sommes conscients d’être